Tag Archives: year

What’s on my chalkboard


I am so grateful for the opportunity to see another year.  It only takes a few seconds of watching or listening to current news to find out how truly fortunate we are to still be alive.  I’m also grateful for the opportunity a new year brings.  A fresh start.  So many things happened in 2012 around the world and even in my own heart.  So happy for the progress I’ve made.  Challenged by, and sometimes ashamed of, the areas that are still under major construction.  Yet, my hope remains.  Not in my ability to make myself over, but in God’s ability to transform as I give it all to Him.  The words on my chalkboard seemed to pierce my heart as I heard them being sung earlier.  “Let my manner of living be a witness that You’re alive.”  The “You’re” is Jesus.  “My manner” is what I say, think, do and everything in between.

He is indeed alive and well!

And I want my life to reflect that.

Be wise, my child, and make my heart glad.  Then I will be able to answer my critics. (Proverbs 27:11 NLT)

May our good conduct be the best answer to all who find fault with the gospel.

Conversations with “curly cutie” (round 11)

Brief update.  Before I get to the conversations I just wanted to say “hey”.  It’s  been a nice minute since my last post.  I have not forsaken my space.  Just a whole lotta living/thinking/not blogging going on over here.

I was recently reminded of why I don’t ever get bored.  That is one word that simply does not exist in my vocabulary.  There is so much to think about.  Ponder.  Consider.  I absolutely love it.  It can be a tale of two cities though depending on the moment.

I have been on my sewing machine like it’s going out of style.

It’s about time to celebrate Curly Cutie as she turns the big “5”.  Where does the time go?

Is June over yet?  I took a break from desserts this month and about died.  I guess I never really understood how much that white stuff messed me up.  Who am I kidding?  I still don’t understand.  What I do understand is that my ways must change.  My Father said so.

365 and the Blessing has turned into more like 300 and the blessing.  That’s if I make the rest of the year.  I didn’t even make it half the year.  Gotta get back on in there.

On to a few conversations…


(I came out of my room after getting dressed one morning)

cc:  Ooh mom, thaaaat’s an interesting combo.

me:  Lol!

cc:  Lol.

me:  What?  You don’t like what I have on?

cc:  It’s different.

me:  Lol!


(It was bedtime for Curly Cutie)

me:  You can pray now.

cc:  Lord, thank you for the sleep I’m about to receive.

me:  Lol!  (Sounded like she was saying grace)

cc:  Mom, I’m trying to talk to the Lord.

me:  Sorry.  Continue.


cc:  Mommy, I don’t understand why you have to authorize the computer every time I get on it to play starfall.

me:  Lol.  I don’t either.

cc:  I mean, I just don’t get it.

me:  Lol.  You are hilarious.

The Blessing – January 25

From time to time I will drop in to share how I am intentionally “blessing” my family this year.  You can read the intro here.

Jumping right in…..

Husband – I bless you with keen, sensitive ears to what God desires.  When you hear from him, you are moved to action.

Daughter – I bless you with hearing and knowing who you are and what your Father has designed for you to do.  May you lead without fear and the need to be validated by man.

Son – I bless you with a disciplined life that is filled with courage, creativity and obedience.

The Blessing

I’m not really into the whole resolutions thing, but there are definitely things I would like to see happen this year.  One of those things centers around the principal of “The Blessing”.

All throughout the Bible we find references to “the blessing”.  We see it from the beginning in Genesis 1:27-28.

 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.  28And God BLESSED them, and God SAID unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

We see it at the end  in Revelation 22:14.

BLESSED are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

“The Blessing” is like an impartation into another person of the power of God.  It generally involves the act of speaking.  It’s not solely about the spoken words, but also involves action towards those being blessed.  To bless another is to give them honor, praise, significance, and to encourage and empower them for a better life.

This is what I want to do for my home this year.  I want to take 365 days in 2012 and speak blessings over my husband, daughter and son individually.  Of course I don’t want to limit “the blessing” to just them, but I want to be intentional in the lives of those in closest proximity to me.  Charity begins at home, right?   This year has 366 days, so on the last day of the year I would like to do something special to “look back” and see how their lives changed.  I don’t quite know what that will be, but I have some time to decide.

I wanted to share this journey with you.  On occasion, I will share the blessings I am speaking over my family a particular day.  Maybe you might be encouraged to speak words of life over others too.   Here is the blessing I gave my daughter yesterday ( I look into her eyes and speak to her as a valued human being.  Totally different spirit from the times I want to hang her upside down by her foot from the tree in our backyard)……


Side note:  We are 11 days into this and my daughter has started giving me blessings as well.  One sounded a little something like this….

I bless you to walk next to the tree and see that and take the trash to the circus on a sunny day.

Lol!  Gotta love her.

 If you are already familiar with this principal, how has “the blessing” changed your life or someone else’s life?  Did you know that we are even supposed to bless our enemies?  Try that and let me know how it works out for you.  Lol!  I’m done being silly.  The things of God don’t have to be hard.  His yoke is easy, and burden is light.  And the year of “The Blessing” continues.